Experience Tumatsch...
Intentionally we decided not to use an automated and mechanical production, as well as taskwork, because we want to give the very same pleasure, that we give to you as customer, to our staff too.
Because of this, all key chains are handmade. Be it sewn, colored or fluted ones. In adition we do not obligate our staff to reach a certain rate in terms of time and numbers. The key chains are done, when they are done. Simple as that.
Our utilized material is very simple too. We exclusively use leather scraps, which are tanned, colored or treated in other ways beforehand. This safes us work steps and preserves the natural environment.
A nice side effect:
Your key chain is unique! No other key chain will look and feel like another one.
Become part of the Tumatsch-movement and learn to value fair-trade, sustainability and recycling of real leather.
Every selled key chain subsidizes fair traded wares, traditional handicraft and sustainability!